Nowadays, Ayaka Kimura is the only member of the "group". The great thing about Ayaka is that she did these Surprise English Lessons on unsuspecting MoMusu girls, who never wanted to participate. They're ALL at Hell! Project, and I strongly suggest you check them out. Anything with Ayaka and Nono is great.
Japan Probe has an interesting video about Japanese supermarket sales. Specifically, you can take home as much of whatever item you want by either A) Jamming as many as you can into a small bag or B) Stacking it to ridiculous heights without it toppling over. (35 container high ramen stack!)
Japan Sugoi found the silliest/most fantastic premise for a movie - Calamari Wrestler! I must see this immediately.
I have a very large blog dump - just not right now. Until I get a little spare time, enjoy this fun amv starring Ayeka from Tenchi Muyo. (5 seconds of naked Ayeka in the bath - worst bit is breast profile, but I thought you'd like to know anyway) Best part? The lip sync of Ayeka saying "F**k Yall".
On a personal note, I've noticed the lack of anime news here lately. I've somehow strayed a little farther than I'd like from the medium I love. I've recently been promoted to the Vice President of the local anime club. (more on that later) I'll need to be more up to date on current anime shows. Having heard of a show isn't cutting it anymore. So that, along with a new laptop spur me towards making time to watch more anime. Hopefully it'll be successful and I can pass better anime info along.
Newsarama reports that artist Mike Wieringo passed away Sunday, of an apparent heart attack. This is quite a loss for the comics community. He was only 44 years old. My condolences to his friends and family. His homepage is currently down due to exceeding bandwidth, but here are some other links.