Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Cap. Croaks

Comic book hero Captain America dies
NEW YORK - Captain America has undertaken his last mission — at least for now. The venerable superhero is killed in the issue of his namesake comic that hit stands Wednesday, the Daily News reported.

On the new edition's pages, a sniper shoots down the shield-wielding hero as he leaves a courthouse, according to the newspaper.

Read the rest here.
NY Times Version here

Death in Marvel Comics is never permanent. Ever. Ask Magneto or Jean Grey, or Sunfire. You get my drift. Still, bummer, Cap.


Sharp said...

Meh. He'll be back. I'm sure it'll cause lots of drama in the book, or even multiple books, but us jaded comic readers know that Marvel would never kill off an iconic character like Cap. Not for long, anyway.

Maybe he'll come back all in black and with a mullet, like Superman did.

electric goldfish said...

It's more along the lines of 'This worked for DC, so why not Marvel?'